It's not all that it's cracked up to be….
It may be due to the fact I am getting closer to my 30’s or wisdom coming through to offset some the waves I am going through with my experiences.
What sunk so deeply was that these are all experiences in this reality called life. The anger, the sadness, the pain, the loss, joy, happiness, the different shades of emotions are apart of this force called life.
Whether we have a goal or not, its the EXPERIENCE in which you walk to get there. I’ve calmed down with the notion that I must prove my worth or achieve something to matter in this world. Its like I am robbing myself of a gift by putting these demands on myself or expectations from others around me.
We are here and gone tomorrow and what we really do with that time is the EXPERIENCE. It took me a great amount of time to really have this sink into my thoughts, my energy, my being as to what I am here to do. Sometimes, its not about the doing that matters. Work hard, play harder on earth.
This is gift to be on earth and go through the ebbs and flow in which it entails. Im sure my ego is running the show here as what I must DO with my life. I realized even looking at the ages of people. I know this person was 26 once or this person was 56 once. Its like we all reach the similar milestone of what our ancestors have endured such as having kids, getting married, buying a home, attracting a soulmate. It's the same old, rinse and repeat.
I feel as though I exsperated life to an extreme but we will all get to a common ground somehow, someway. This is a force that was given and meant to be enjoyed with growth and expansion. In my perspective, not always meant to compete, force, manipulate, control, and lose your marbles. I have lost my marbles several times.
Life is life in the waves that someone rides. There will be good and bad days that comes with your time here on earth.Its all knowing these are EXPERIENCES that will come and go. Just as though you have your highs, highs and your lows, low.
This existence is short but impactful, powerful. It is what you make of it, the soul lessons that you must learn here,the gifts you can provide, and the other fabrics that I missed. It all to weave an EXPERIENCE.
This is hard concept to understand and really finely tune this in my brain for comprehension. Its not to take life so seriously and flow through the emotions that come your way.
Feel it and release it! Also, you will eventually find your way in life. Its apart of the EXPERIENCE that will get you closer. Look at the odds in which you were able to be birth and give this force to create. Nothing is forever in the 3D reality but those lessons, experience may just be imprinted in your soul forever.
Enjoy the ride, make choices, feel through the feeling and emotions, laugh more, and what is the moment giving to you, and trek on forward!
Life is nothing but EXPERIENCES!