Dr. Seuss hit it on the nail…
Based on the last blog post and the healing I have been doing for the past 4 years is starting to become crystal clear. What if this life was meant to really outgrow your old identities, one after the other? Is this the underlying makeup of our lives?
Hearing from the spiritual community- this is earth school. My interpretation is playing hard, working hard, and enjoying what earth has to offer. As humans, we leave this world stained. There are experiences that one goes through before they leave this earth. How do we process these experiences, how does these experiences shape us, and what do we make from these experiences?
I realized through these experiences produces purpose. 2 years ago, an insight came to me about purpose. “Purpose finds you”. Through the daily walks of life, something will come to fruition. In the meantime, go through ebbs and flow of life.
The places you will go will take to closer and closer to what you were meant to do, just enjoy the ride. The real belief is that given this life is to be given purpose. Make life the purpose and go through it until it finds you the experience that fits just right.
The set of responsibilities, growth, honor, service, and the list can go on when it comes to having a life. Life comes with purpose. In all, we are doing life in what suits best. Life is creation and what we do with that creation is purpose.
What challenges have you faces, what tools are you carrying when life does get tough, what lessons did you learn, what successes can you share?
This topic is still in trial phases. Dr.Seuss did a great job to highlight this energy called life. Our purpose will come in due time but enjoy the purpose of life.
To give life is to be given great responsibility. Let that purpose of life be GREAT in the meantime.