Part Of Me Is Unhappy…

2 min readSep 4, 2023


On the rollercoaster called LIFE

These past couple of weeks been a nerve wrack for me. I moved again for the 6th time and changed jobs along with it. I moved in with my best friend and it is going swell. Its all-hokey dory with relationships, mental health, spiritual, and health but 2 thing happens to always be out of wack.

Financial and Career pillars

Since I graduate from university, it's been uphill battle to find a career path that best suits me. These two sectors wash one another. When one falters, so does the other. Finances are crucial part in anything, and it seems as though I fall short in keeping consistency in life . My career choices have not been the best which keeps in a bind, emotionally and mentally.

Part of me is unhappy because I didn’t quite hit on the nail as what I want to do in my life. There are good days and bad days, but nothing shakes the emotion going to a job that doesn't align and drains me, energetically. Its like unhappiness made itself at home and may remain here until something changes.

With all emotions, they come, and they go. Do I see myself staying at this job, no. Is this temporary, yes. Can I choose a different outcome for myself, yes.

“The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but your thoughts about it”- Eckhart Tolle

I can agree with this quote and disagree with it. This pertains to thoughts; emotions are energy in motion. THE ENERGY! The energy around does influence the thoughts.

“If your environment is not to your liking, change it”- Napoleon Hill.

There must a financial/ career breakthrough on the horizons because what I am going through and this is not IT. I know what I desire in my heart and soul, it's just slowly coming into fruition.

I look forward to the next season of my life. I will hold on to what I desire and continue to take inspire towards that dream. To work through this unhappiness, its dance worth knowing to guide to what I truly want.




Written by oma

Learner of Life, Writer, Doer of New Things

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