A Needed Reset Or a Spiritual Awakening

2 min readDec 28, 2023


The New Year Approaches with a new twist….

I’ve took a two-week hiatus from writing, and it seems like a dust has settled compared to the couple post I have written. A rush of newness and zest for life.

I am noticing a cycle in my life is repeating itself but for the better. Change in clothing, food, music, exercise, friend groups, therapy sessions, heavily writing, and taking on a new venture of entrepreneurship (taking it seriously, this time).

This happened back in college, senior year to be exact. I was still healing from a breakup that happened in my sophomore year. I’ve went to therapy, I’ve as under a heavy course load to graduate, was a resident advisor, I’ve work out consistently, listened to new genres of music, went out more, eating more vegan or raw foods, and cried my heart out until I had no more tears to cry.

Fast forward to the ending of 2023, its seeming to reflect all that I’ve done back in those days.

I believe it's another spiritual awakening! I am finding solace within myself, taking a risk to do what brings my soul to life, resting as if my life depended on it, and seeing that the music is hitting differently for me.

I do desire change and nuance in my life. It occurred to me that if you do the same shit, it the same shit next year. Whoa did that landed heavy for me! I was today years old when I realize this. Nothing changes unless you make those changes.

Taking leaps of faith has been scary and being in therapy helps to lighten the load that I carry in my headspace. What a blessing to have an awakening take place while the new year quickly approaches.

The beliefs systems, letting go of the approval, setting boundary, speaking up for myself, knowing what I like, a calling to get into the arts, meditating more, being great in my aloneness, habits and discipline, and a profound love for oneself.

There some dark that makes it way but it will level out and light will make its way through. I believe with spiritual awakenings there is letting go and burning out of old paradigms. It is showing what no longer serving through body and mind.

It’s an upgrade to new chapter of your life. It's getting closer to what your meant to do in this life and preparing you for the quantum leap.

I know something GREAT will come out of this. New energy, new body, new mind, a rebirth of some kind. I will be able to handle my blessings as they come, no longer self-sabotaging but in the same breath know that this a marathon.

I am ready for 2024 and the profound blessings coming my way.




Written by oma

Learner of Life, Writer, Doer of New Things

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